
In this post we will be creating a multi-category classifier. This means one image may have 1, 2, or more labels and we want to identify and label them all correctly. Let's get started!

Get Data

from import *
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial

path = untar_data(URLs.PASCAL_2007)
train = pd.read_csv(path/'train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv(path/'test.csv')
dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_df(train, path, folder='train', valid_col='is_valid', label_delim=' ',
                               item_tfms=Resize(460), batch_tfms=aug_transforms(size=224))

As you can see from the batch below, images have different number of labels depending on what is in the picture.



Loss Function

With this multi-category, we use binary cross-entropy instead of normal cross-entropy. This is because normal cross entropy uses a softmax, which makes all probabilities add to 1. That makes a ton of sense when we only have 1 class, but with multiple it doesn't. Softmax in the loss function makes it much harder to train as it forces class probabilities to sum to 1, when there may in fact have multiple classes (or no classes).

def binary_cross_entropy(inputs, targets):
    inputs = inputs.sigmoid()
    return -torch.where(targets==1, inputs, 1-inputs).log().mean()


We will use a resnet34 architecture, using a pretrained model. The first thing we will want to do is freeze the model and train the last layer, as that is not transferrable from the pretrained model.

learn = cnn_learner(dls,arch = resnet34,metrics = accuracy_multi,loss_func=binary_cross_entropy)

SuggestedLRs(lr_min=0.00831763744354248, lr_steep=0.033113110810518265)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.445584 0.540536 0.917350 00:13
1 0.284971 0.207589 0.931175 00:12
2 0.201342 0.131654 0.950159 00:13
3 0.156355 0.116606 0.957350 00:13

Next we will unfreeze our model, meaning we will train all layers in our model. You will notice I am using discriminative learning rates, which is key. Early layers should not have weights adjusted as fast as later laters.

Note: Discriminative learning rates means we use a smaller learning rate for earlier layers in the model. This is what slice(1e-4/100,1e-4) is doing.
SuggestedLRs(lr_min=9.12010818865383e-08, lr_steep=9.999999747378752e-06)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.118245 0.115170 0.957570 00:13
1 0.117186 0.113712 0.958446 00:13
2 0.114177 0.113257 0.958048 00:13
3 0.111450 0.113189 0.958207 00:13

For our final steps, I will train the last couple of layers with the earlier layers frozen

SuggestedLRs(lr_min=6.309573450380412e-08, lr_steep=9.12010818865383e-07)
learn.fit_one_cycle(2, 1e-5)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.110856 0.112854 0.958506 00:13
1 0.110439 0.112414 0.958566 00:13
SuggestedLRs(lr_min=7.585775847473997e-08, lr_steep=6.918309736647643e-06)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.110587 0.116988 0.957769 00:12
1 0.107045 0.111408 0.959621 00:13
2 0.099724 0.105969 0.961375 00:13

Just over 96% accuracy - Not bad! When we look at the labels over the images, we can see it actually did a pretty good job identiffying what is in the images/


Accuracy Threshhold

One last thing to consider with multi-category is the accuracy threshhold. If a class score is > 0.5, should we consider that class a match? Or should it require a score of > 0.6? I reccomend playing with the threshold to see what works for your application. You can print many metrics during training by passing a list of metrics to the metrics argument.

learn = cnn_learner(dls,arch = resnet34,metrics = [partial(accuracy_multi,thresh=x) for x in np.array(range(1,10))/10])
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi time
0 0.910183 0.608041 0.133367 0.254004 0.405359 0.555877 0.688267 0.793626 0.873327 0.928267 0.956932 00:12
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi accuracy_multi time
0 0.663072 0.493378 0.135498 0.284940 0.479542 0.656992 0.791195 0.879163 0.930239 0.954681 0.963386 00:13