Finding All Quarto Drafts

Use bash to find all your draft quarto files

Isaac Flath


January 21, 2023

Today I Learned

I needed find all the draft blog posts I had. My draft blog posts were mixed in with real blog posts, and after not looking at the blog for a while I did not remember what posts I had started.

With a bash command I can search for all files recursively that contain “draft: true”. THis gives me all my drafts, and I don’t have to worry about losing them or keeping them in a separate place.

How to

grep -rl "draft: true"

How it works:

  • grep : Searches for substrings and filters contents

  • -rl

    • r : Searches recursively
    • l : Return file name assiciated with the match
Excluding Files

If you’re getting some files you don’t want, you can add exclusion criteria. For example if you add | grep -v ".ipynb_checkpoints" to the end, it will exclude notebook checkpoints that you almost certainly don’t want to see!