Isaac Flath

About Me

I am a data scientist focused on AI applications. While this often means machine learning and deep learning it often means web app development and other things. AI is only a component of a successful AI application.

I am currently builing out Gallery.FastHT.ML]( and generally developing the FastHTML ecosystem.

My primary hobby is dance. I used to teach ballroom dance full time, which is where I met my partner. My partner runs her own dance instruction business here in D.C.

Here’s a couple casual demos we did together: social and routine

My journey in stages 🚀

My Start: assembly line worker ➢ assembly line management ➢ assembly line efficiency optimization

Moving up: business process engineering ➢ product management

Starting Technical Journey: data analyst ➢ dynamics CRM developer

Trying New Things: accounting ➢ call center ➢ full-time ballroom dance teacher

Finding my home ❤️: product owner ➢ machine learning researcher ➢ data science ➢ AI and tech generalist

👨‍💻 How to get into data science 👩🏻‍💻

I recommend working through the fastai courses. These are fantastic courses that teach great content, but also in an approachable way that enable you to use what your learn on real problems right away.

Tinker with everything. Try to never ask “Would it work if I did X?” or “Can I accomplish X by doing Y?”. Instead, try it and see if it works. It’s worth the time investment.

Do projects Do projects in parallel with courses, and after courses. Don’t wait. Build stuff. Doing projects should be where you put most of your time.

Teach to learn Teaching is a great way to learn, and if you have a record of it you build a portfolio at the same time! I am a fan of doing this via blogging for many reasons. See my FAQ for some help getting started.

Keep at it and be tenacious. There is discomfort with learning any skill. You’ll be frustrated at times. That’s a sign that there’s a concept worth learning and once you do figure it out you’ll have made a big step forward.